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How To Enter Data for a Single Record

Documentation: Catalog Record

Navigation: Tools Directory > Data Entry -> Enter Records

Select a Data Entry Form

Begin with Previous Records

You can start with the last record you entered or if you have sufficient access, with any previously entered record.

Choose a Collection

Use this option to start from scratch, or from the values stored in a Profile. Select the collection for which you wish to enter data and you will start with your last data entry customization.

After choosing one of these options, you will be directed to the appropriate data entry form.


The background of your new data entry screen should be green. If it is not, Arctos will not let you save your data.

Pick a Profile

Profiles are customized data entry forms that may carry seed data. You - or any other user - may use any profile to begin data entry with the data and arrangement in the profile. To see existing profiles or create a new profile, select the Customize button at the bottom of the data entry screen.

Once at the customization screen, you can select an existing profile with the Profiles Home button.

The Profile you are currently using will appear at the top of the list. You may create any number of Profiles, use Profiles created by others, and others may use Profiles created by you.

Profiles serve several functions:


Note that a Profile’s seed data will NOT be loaded when a seed record is used. The Profile’s customization will still be used. Also, data values saved in a Profile will have a distinct style and should be carefully checked before saving a record.

How To Customize Data Entry and Create Profiles

See How To Customize the Data Entry Form

Data Entry Form Details

The following provides some specifics by data entry section.

Catalog Record Data

This block includes data about the entire catalog record.




This block includes any identifiers other than the catalog number that are applied to the objects or observations being cataloged or that are applied to objects or observations related to the object or observation being cataloged. You can add 5 identifiers to any catalog record in data entry. Additional identifiers can be added manually or via the Identifier: Bulkload Tool.


Any information entered will be ignored unless identifier_type is completed.

CONDITIONALLY REQUIRED (if any other identifier information is entered)


Pro Tip

Arctos includes a helpful tool to help build complete urls for a host of known identifiers. If all you have is the identifier, but you believe it may be part of a url, use the build button at the far right of the identifier row to make use of the tool.

Pro Tip

Has the data for the record already been entered as part of another record? You can enter the identifier_issued_by, identifier_type and identifier_value and use the pull button on the same row to fill in the current record with data from that record.


This block includes data about what identifications are applied to the catalog record. You can add 2 identifiations to any catalog record in data entry. Additional identifications will need to be added manually or via the Identification Bulkload Tool.

CONDITIONALLY REQUIRED (if an identification_n is supplied)


Identification Attributes

Every identification can include up to 3 attributes in data entry, additional identification attributes can be added manually.

CONDITIONALLY REQUIRED (if any other identification attribute information is entered)



This block includes data about people or organizations that performed one of the agent roles with regard to the catalog record. You can add 8 Agents to any catalog record in data entry. Additional Agents can be added manually or via the Agent Role: Bulkload Tool.

CONDITIONALLY REQUIRED (both agent_n_role and agent_n_name must be completed or the information will be ignored)

Pro Tip

Use the CopyAcross button next to any Agent to add the name to all other agent fields in the form.

Place and Time

This block consists of three sections: Record Event, Event, and Locality.


NONE of the information entered in these sections will save if record_event_type is blank.


This block includes data about why the Event has been associated with the cataloged objects or observations. The information here indicates curation and the activities are related to documenting who and why an Event is associated with the cataloged objects or observations. You can add 1 Record-Event to any catalog record in data entry. Additional Record-Events can be added manually or via the Catalog Record Event: Bulkload Tool.

CONDITIONALLY REQUIRED (if ANY portion of the Time and Place section includes information)


Pro Tip

If methods apply to more than one cataloged object or observation at the same event, use the event method Event attribute as it will be applied to all catalog records associated with the event and will not require repeated entry of the method in individual catalog records.


This block includes standardized time and verbatim time and location data. You can add 1 Event to any catalog record in data entry. Additional Events can be added manually or via the Catalog Record Event: Bulkload Tool.

CONDITIONALLY REQUIRED (if you add any Event or Locality data)



Entering an exisitng Event name here will ignore any data that you enter in any of the remaning Event or Locality fields.

Pro Tip

Use the pull/sync button to view the data that is included in the Event. If you find that you have chosen the wrong Event name, then you can use the clear all event button to remove any Event and Locality data and start over.

Event Attributes

Every Event can include up to 6 attributes in data entry, additional Event attributes can be added manually or as part of an Event Bulklaod.

CONDITIONALLY REQUIRED (if any other Event attribute information is entered)



This block includes standardized location data. You can add 1 Locality to any catalog record in data entry. Additional Localities can be added manually or via the Catalog Record Event: Bulkload Tool.

CONDITIONALLY REQUIRED (if you add any Locality data)

Pro Tip

If the geography you have is not in the code table, you can use no specific higher geography or if you have no information on geography use no higher geography recorded. See also Higher Geography Documentation



Entering an exisiting Locality name here will ignore any data that you enter in any of the remaining Locality fields.

Use the pull/sync locality button to view the data that is included in the Locality. If you find that you have chosen the wrong locality name, then you can use the clear all locality button to remove any Locality data and start over.

Locality Attributes

Every Locality can include up to 6 attributes in data entry, additional Locality attributes can be added manually or as part of a Locality Attribute: Bulkload.

CONDITIONALLY REQUIRED (if any other Locality attribute information is entered)



**Documentation: {Coordinates](https://handbook.arctosdb.org/documentation/coordinates.html)

This block includes standardized coordinate data. You can add 1 Spatial block to any catalog record in data entry. Spatial information can be added in one of 4 ways and only one of these may be used during data entry.

Pro Tip

Data entered as Degrees Minutes Seconds, Degrees Decimal Minutes, or UTM will be converted to Decimal Degrees and stored as “as entered coordinates” in Arctos.

CONDITIONALLY REQUIRED (if any other spatial data is entered)


Decimal Degrees


Anything entered here will be ignored unless coordinate_lat_long_units = decimal degrees.

CONDITIONALLY REQUIRED (if coordinate_lat_long_units = decimal degrees)

Degrees Minutes Seconds


Anything entered here will be ignored unless coordinate_lat_long_units = deg. min. sec..

CONDITIONALLY REQUIRED (if coordinate_lat_long_units =deg. min. sec.)

Degrees Decimal Minutes


Anything entered here will be ignored unless coordinate_lat_long_units = degrees dec. minutes.

CONDITIONALLY REQUIRED (if coordinate_lat_long_units =degrees dec. minutes)



Anything entered here will be ignored unless coordinate_lat_long_units = UTM.

CONDITIONALLY REQUIRED (if coordinate_lat_long_units =UTM)

Record Attributes

Record Attributes include information applicable to the cataloged objects or observations. Every catalog record can include up to 30 attributes in data entry, additional record attributes can be added manually or as part of an Attribute: Bulkload.

CONDITIONALLY REQUIRED (if any other record attribute information is entered)



Parts include information about material evidence that supports the cataloged objects or observations. Every catalog record can include up to 20 parts in data entry, additional parts can be added manually or as part of a Part: Bulkload.

CONDITIONALLY REQUIRED (if any other part information is entered)


Part Attributes

Part Attributes include information applicable to a particular part. Every catalog record can include up to 4 attributes per part in data entry, additional part attributes can be added manually or as part of a Part Attribute: Bulkload.

CONDITIONALLY REQUIRED (if any other part attribute information is entered)


Create Record

Once all your data has been entered, select the Create Record button at the bottom of the screen. Your data will then be added to the bulkloader and await approval.

To approve records for upload to Arctos see How to approve records entered with Data Entry form

Data Entry Tutorial Video

Data Entry Example

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