Citation Documentation

Publication Documentation

How To Create a Citation

Attach a catalog record to a publication via citation. NOTE: Before a cataloged item is cited, the Publication profile must already exist in Arctos. See How to Create a Publication for a tutorial.

Citation Type

Select the basis of citation (e.g., voucher, holotype, basis of illustration). Values are controlled by a code table.

Page Number

Indicate the page number on which the cataloged item was first mentioned in the publication,

Citation Remarks

Record any relevant remarks. These will be displayed.

Find a Catalog Record

Use the fields to search for the catalog record to be cited (GUID or catalog number). Once you click the “Find Specimen” button, a “working with specimen” link to the record queried by the search appears. The identification data associated with this catalog record is populated into the Identification fields below.


The citation is now created and listed at the bottom of the screen under “Existing Citations” where it can be managed (deleted, edited, cloned). After refreshing/waiting a few minutes, you should see the citation and publication information in the associated catalogrecord(s).

Add a Citation Tutorial Video

How To Add a Publication and Citation to a single record.

Edit this Documentation

If you see something that needs to be edited in this document, you can create an issue using the link under the search widget at the top left side of this page, or you can edit directly here.