Printed Reports and Labels Documentation

Reports and Labels

Arctos has a built-in user-customizable reporter. It’s pretty great.


The reporter uses CFML, HTML, and CSS, generally to produce PDF’s through a browsers print-to-PDF functionality. Extensive documentation for each of these languages is widely available.


The reporter generally accepts the results of queries, or identifiers passed on from containers or transaction. This is readily expandable to most anything; file an Issue.

Static Data

It should be considered good design to build fully dynamic reports which can continue to function when things like addresses and institutional nomenclature change, or work across collections and institutions. Such reports require little maintenance, while reports which include static text require constant upkeep, and are prone to containing incorrect data when changes are not reflected in reports.


Output is generally either PDF-friendly HTML for labels, or CSV for consumption by external applications. However, it is possible to produce most anything that can be pushed through a browser.


The reporter has the following structure:

Accepts Variable

Accepts Variable controls what reports are avaiable when printing, and allows report selection to include only reports which work with the current data. The variable should be used in the SQL for selecting records (examples below). Supported values:

About Lists

Note that 1 is always an acceptable list length, and is most common for things like loan forms. However, the reporter will accept comma-separated lists of identifiers of virtually any length. Printing labels for a thousand hand-selected containers is easily accomplished.


Reports may be edited in the browser fields, but it is often better to use a more specialized editor, and copy to the browser. We use sublime with postgresql and cfml packages; many, many other choices are available.

Getting Data


PostgreSQL-flavored SQL is the primary mechanism to retrieve data from the database.


SQL Input variables must be enclosed in hash marks, like “#table_name#”.


Many functions exist in Arctos. These can be used to simplify SQL, filter results, or package data in expected and portable formats. These may be viewed in the DDL repository.

Special Note

Loan metadata/header data is relatively normalized and less-than-trivial to query, so a CF Custom Tag is available.


will return a data object under variable getLoan for any report for which loan.transaction_id is available.


Table structure is available from the Arctos Table Browser. Cache tables FLAT (restricted access, unfiltered data) and FILTERED_FLAT (unrestricted access, filtered data) are often good easy to use sources of data, but do have limitations. Talk to your friendly local DBA if you have any questions. You may get a list of FLAT columns by entering “select * from flat where 1=2” in reports/writeSQL.


All reports and individual reports may be downloaded as CSV, and new reports may be created from this. Save early and often; assume someone’s going to delete all of your reports the very second you look away. is available for more-persistent backups; consider stashing periodic copies of ‘mature’ reports there.

Clean up

Take backups, then delete any reports for which you are responsible and do not use. Huge piles of abandoned reports cause problems for everyone, and drastic action may result. (OK, not that drastic, there will be backups.)


Use the browser’s built-in print to PDF functionality. Click settings and turn off headers.


Variable debug default false is available to the reporter. Use open+debug to set it to true. See examples below for usage.


Examples and usage


It is almost always best to work with the DBA team or copy an existing report to get started building a report, but all of the necessary information to start from scratch is in this doument and the Arctos Table Browser.


From transactions, containers, or catalog item search results, choose ‘print any report,’ select the report you wish to print (you can sort by clicking headers or search with your browser’s built-in functionality), then click ‘open’ to execute the report. This will usually result in a HTML page which can be printed to PDF, or a CSV file which should automatically download to your selected download folder.

Code Snippets


The “heavy lifting” is performed by CFML, which can be written as tags or script. Lucee is used to process, but Adobe Coldfusion is almost always functionally identical and often has better documentation.


HTML can be mixed freely with CFML.


will simply print the value of myvar in a paragraph, for example.


We recommend CSS for layout. In general, keep it simple: Various browsers have slightly different handling of some CSS, and this tends to be much more noticeable in very new or obscure/little-used tags. (Older browsers may also have issues; developers use the current production release of Firefox, and you should too.)

Headers and Footers

Paged.js provides header and footer functionality, but is extremely twitchy. Fixed-size layouts and precalculated headers and footers tend to work much better than the alternatives. (And please let us know if you have a better solution, or need more JS/CSS libraries.)

CFML Query Objects

<cfquery name="d" datasource="user_login" username="#session.dbuser#" password="#decrypt(session.epw,session.sessionKey,'AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding','hex')#">
	select field_name from table_name where key=<cfqueryparam value="#transaction_id#" SQLType="int"> 


<cfif debug>
    <cfdump var="#d#">

will dump the object d - in this case the query we just performed - when the ‘open+debug’ option is selected (or debug is manually set to true).


    this is a CFML comment

Comments are ignored by the processor; future-you (and future everyone else!) will thank you for including lots of comments.

How To

Instructions for doing specifc tasks related to Reports/Labels in Arctos

Edit this Documentation

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