How To Handle Organisms in Arctos

Documentation: Entities

Although many catalog records are synonymous with an organism, some are not. Parts of an individual organism may be collected at different points in time (blood samples from a zoo animal) or they may be parsed aout to different collections (herbarium duplicates).

Using an Organism ID identifier type with the same value across all records from the same individual is the preferred method for indicating that any given catalog record does not include all collected parts for a given individual.

Choosing an Organism ID Value

Any string may be used as Organism ID. Some possibilities and their implications include:

Arctos Entity record GUID

Arctos Entity record GUIDs are currently our recommended Organism ID. An Arctos Entity record GUID is

How To Add Catalog Records to an “Organism” Entity

Other ID type Other ID Value Other ID references Other ID Issued By Other ID Remark
Organism ID self Arctos Entity Collection say whatever you want here

Other Resolvable Identifiers

Other Resolvable Identifiers are more or less “anything with a URL.” These include USNM EZIDs and are “good” identifiers by virtue of being globally unique and resolvable, but may vary wildly on attributes such as:

Non-resolvable Identifiers

Non-resolvable Identifiers are strings, generally issued by an Agent. These are generally “less good” identifiers in that they:

Examples include:

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