Understanding Arctos Errors

ERROR: row for relation “{table}” violates check constraint “ck_{column}_noprint”


Column {column} in table {table} has disallowed characters. These include


  1. Find the disallowed characters using Reports/Data Cleanup/Find/Replace Nonprinting Characters (or the tool of your choice) and strip them from your data.
  2. In Excel, insert a column next the problem column. For all rows with data enter the formula =IF(LEN(A1)=LEN(CLEAN(A1)),”OK”,”CLEAN”) (where A1 will change relative to the data being evaluated). Sort by the column you just created, then find the issues in all rows that have the value “CLEAN”. Note that once they are fixed the value will change to “OK”. Once all the cleaning is complete, delete the inserted column, save as CSV UTF-8 and try loading your file again. You might also try =IF(LEN(A1)=LEN(TRIM(A1)),”OK”,”CLEAN”) to look for extra spaces.

More Information

Arctos generally disallows characters which are not in POSIX character class “PRINT” due to limitations in “data consumers” such as GBIF, to facilitate search, and to detect things like unicode conversion issues before they can pollute data.

Catalog Record Bulkloader: invalid user.table.column, table.column, or column specification


You’ve tried to use a column that doesn’t exist.


Use the BulkloaderBuilder to create CSV templates

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The bulkloader insert is entirely dynamic; column names are inferred from the header of the loaded CSV file. This allows unused columns to simply be excluded, but causes errors to be somewhat cryptic. “Columns” are often caused by Excel adding trailing NULL values onto CSV files. This is because Excel is evil; check your CSV in a UTF8-compliant text editor that won’t “helpfully” mangle your data.

ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint {name}


You are trying to create an object which already exists, or re-use a name or identifier that is required to be unique.


Create a unique value, or use existing data

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Many fields in Arctos are required to be unique at various scopes; a collection may have only one “catalog number one,” all of Arctos may have only one taxon name “Sorex cinereus.” If the situation leading to this error is more similar to catalog numbers, you may have an organizational problem; check that the item you are trying to create is not indistinguishable from other items. If the situation leading here is more similar to taxon names, please carefully search the data before creating new values; failure to do so often leads to the creation of functionally-identical data.

Specific Examples

cannot update schema.table.column to null or cannot insert NULL into schema.table.column


You are trying to update a non-nullable value to NULL, or create a NULL value in a non-nullable field.


Delete, or choose/supply suitable data.

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Two actions commonly lead here:

  1. A user is trying to make data go away.
  2. A user is trying to assert “we don’t know” for a required field.

In the first situation, use the DELETE button. NULL values are NULL values, not a removal of the data object. In the second situation, supply an appropriate value. Required data always have a no-data option, such as Agent “unknown.”

missing expression


Something is missing.


Provide required information.

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Two actions commonly lead here:

  1. Your browser has “helpfully” filled something in, bypassing the actions that get the data needed to save.
  2. We’ve failed to properly sanitize input.

In the first situation, which is most common with Agent Picks, remove a character from the end of the data your browser has so helpfully supplied and hit TAB - a popup window should open (and usually immediately self-close) and the selected data should turn green, indicating it is safe to save. In the second situation, use the contact link at the bottom of the form.

integrity constraint (schema.table.column) violated


You’re trying to delete something that’s been used elsewhere.


Delete “child” data.

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These errors are most commonly encountered when attempting to delete specimen parts which have been on loan. Arctos (usually) links specimens to loans via parts. Deleting loaned parts therefore removes any record of the specimen having been loaned, and so is prevented. In the unusual situation where it is desirable to delete loaned specimens, first remove them from any loans then proceed with the delete.

cannot insert NULL into (schema.table.column)


Something required is NULL or blank.


Provide required data OR remove empty row.

More Information

The most common cause of this error is Excel adding a “blank” row to the end of CSV files intended for various bulkloaders. schema.table.column will be the first NOT NULL column encountered. Simply open the CSV in any PLAIN text editor and remove the blank line. Special caution: Some text editors (TextPad) are known to mess with character encoding. We use Sublime Text.

Screen Shot 2016-02-03 at 10.29.59 AM

Typical INSERT statement. Notice the data (last line) are all NULL.

Screen Shot 2016-02-03 at 10.32.55 AM

Data viewed in plain-text editor. Note Line #168. Please use the contact link at the bottom of any Arctos page if you know how to prevent this behavior by Excel!

iframe url does not have permission to interact with me


This error occurs in applications which call geolocate (primarily data entry and edit), and are caused by network traffic being manipulated. This is usually caused by a local browser extension, but any manipulation of network traffic may result in this problem.

More Information

https://github.com/ArctosDB/arctos/issues?q=is%3Aissue+iframe+url+does+not+have+permission+to+interact+with+me - various causes have been discovered in Issues.

Whatever is controlling your network traffic did; that’s what leads here.

“Should I be concerned?”

SOMETHING is mucking around in your network traffic. Perhaps it’s some useful extension you’ve installed, perhaps it’s something malicious trying to steal your passwords. Concern is warranted!

Attributes used in shipments may not change type or value, nor be deprecated.

Shipping “addresses” may not be altered once used, in order to preserve the integrity of shipment information.

How To

Instructions for doing specifc tasks related to errors in Arctos

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If you see something that needs to be edited in this document, you can create an issue using the link under the search widget at the top left side of this page, or you can edit directly here.