Search Results

Search results presents summary cataloged item data in a tabular format.



Click “show/hide search terms” near the top of the page to alter your query term(s).


Click “show map” near the top of the page to view a map. Note that the map shows only “preferred” events.

The size of the map is customizable, and may be used to limit results to the bounding box defined by the map viewport.


Open the Tools: Map, Customize, or Download option for customization.

Batch Edits

Operators will see a “manage” dropdown; choose an option to bulk-edit the query results, to print labels for the query results, or to download query results in various formats.


The “Report Bad Data” link will annotate each catalog record in the query results, and notify associated collection personnel.


Catalog record data are often much more complex than can readily be represented in a tabular format. Arctos provides embedded data objects to address the most common situations. Associated “Expand….” buttons will “pretty print” the JSON (transform it into a human-readable format).

Many queries also consider only “preferred” or “most important” data (often an arbitrary distinction). Contact us for more information.


Many cataloged items have multiple locality associations. Only one is generally available, although cataloged items with multiple events display even count in small green text in the GUID column. Turn on “JSON Locality” to see all locality data.


Parts are presented as concatenated strings. Turn on “partdetail” to see individual parts (as JSON).


Only the current accepted identifications is shown by default. Turn on “ID History (JSON)” to see all identifications.

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If you see something that needs to be edited in this document, you can create an issue using the link under the search widget at the top left side of this page, or you can edit directly here.