NOTE: "Field names" as given in this document are intended to be descriptive and may not map to actual concepts in Arctos.


JSON is “an open-standard file format that uses human-readable text to transmit data objects.” In Arctos, JSON is a way for us to share complex data with both humans (the data is easily read by humans) and machines (the data is easily read by a very wide variety of programs) in otherwise simple formats, such as the ubiquitous table.


JSON can be a very verbose format; we have abbreviated terms in an attempt to fit more data in less space. We have occasionally merged various concepts - value-space-units as one JSON variable, for example.


We generally limit JSON to 4000 bytes. Data which would exceed that are delivered as


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Any specimen may have any number of specimen-events, and each may have any number of collecting event attributes and/or geology determinations. These data are available in specimenresults as “JSON Locality” in the following format.



“PartDetail” contains all parts, parentage, and attributes as JSON. The format is as follows.



“Media” in SpecimenResults download is media metadata as JSON. The format is as follows.




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