
Arctos maintains authorities in order to standardize content that is shared amongst all collections using Arctos.

Code Tables

Code Tables enforce data consistency, which results in more-usable pick lists to better provide users with what they need, and allow more flexibility in communicating with other data. However, these goals may not be entirely possible due to curatorial reasons. In any conflict between ‘good data’ (e.g., consistent values) and curatorial need, curatorial need should win. (It is often possible to revisit the data after some time in use and make improvements then.) All Code Tables and code table data are the domain of the Arctos Working Group. Any proposed new values must be submitted to the Arctos Working Group for consideration. Any changes to existing values must be coordinated with the database administrators.

Values should:

Rules of the Road for Code Table Terms

General Rules for Adding Code Table Terms

Specific Rules for Specific Code Tables


How To

Instructions for doing specifc tasks related to Authorities in Arctos


Taxonomy is included here only for completeness. See Taxonomy Documentation for more information.


Geography is included here only for completeness. See Geography Documentation for more information.


Agents are included here only for completeness. See Agent Documentation for more information.

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