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Best Practice - Managing Directory Structures in the Arctos Project Allocation at TACC

What is the Arctos Project Allocation at TACC? Start by reading the Arctos TACC Project Allocation Digital Media Policy.


Who Manages the Arctos Project Allocation at TACC?

Only a TACC-authorized manager can provide acces to and create shared directories in the Arctos Project Allocation at TACC. The current TACC-authorized manager is Dusty McDonald. Should he be unable to assist, our secondary contact is Chris Jordan.

Who is authorized to upload to the Arctos Project Allocation at TACC?

Only a TACC user who has been added to the Artcos Project allocation can access shared directories in the Arctos Project Allocation at TACC. Arctos users who need access to the Arctos Project Allocation at TACC are required to:

General Recommendations for Creating Directories in the Arctos Project Allocation at TACC

We recommend working with an experienced Arctos operator and the TACC-authorized manager to create a directory structure that will meet your needs. Some basic recommendations include:

for example


institution_acronym (for Arctos accounting) and the dailies (for everyone’s sanity) are the important parts, the “project folders” in the middle are entirely optional, but if they are to be shared, they should be created by the TACC-authorized manager.


General Recommendations for Naming Files in the Arctos Project Allocation at TACC


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