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Best Practice - Managing Directory Structures in the Arctos Project Allocation at TACC
What is the Arctos Project Allocation at TACC? Start by reading the Arctos TACC Project Allocation Digital Media Policy.
- The Arctos Project Allocation at TACC is shared by all Arctos members. Always use caution when creating or editing a shared resource and make sure that others who might be affected by a change are notified beforehand.
- Files stored in the Arctos Project Allocation at TACC are publicly accessible through their created URLs immediately upon upload.
- Files loaded to the Arctos Project Allocation at TACC and linked to Arctos records should be considered to be archived in perpetuity.
Who Manages the Arctos Project Allocation at TACC?
Only a TACC-authorized manager can provide acces to and create shared directories in the Arctos Project Allocation at TACC. The current TACC-authorized manager is Dusty McDonald. Should he be unable to assist, our secondary contact is Chris Jordan.
Who is authorized to upload to the Arctos Project Allocation at TACC?
Only a TACC user who has been added to the Artcos Project allocation can access shared directories in the Arctos Project Allocation at TACC. Arctos users who need access to the Arctos Project Allocation at TACC are required to:
- complete the Arctos Digital Media Storage Request template on GitHub
- demonstrate delegated authority from their museum/collection to gain access
- acknowledge that they have been trained and trained and agree to the Arctos TACC Project Allocation Digital Media Policy
General Recommendations for Creating Directories in the Arctos Project Allocation at TACC
We recommend working with an experienced Arctos operator and the TACC-authorized manager to create a directory structure that will meet your needs. Some basic recommendations include:
- Have the TACC-authorized manager begin your directory structure with your institution acronym.
- Institutions with multiple collections may want to have the TACC-authorized manager create subdirectories for each collection using their GUID Prefix and assign permissions as appropriate.
- Have the TACC-authorized manager create any subfolders to which you wish more than one TACC user to write files.
- Create “daily” folders to manage your files beyond any shared folders
for example
institution_acronym (for Arctos accounting) and the dailies (for everyone’s sanity) are the important parts, the “project folders” in the middle are entirely optional, but if they are to be shared, they should be created by the TACC-authorized manager.
- Avoid the use of spaces in folder and file names.
- Directories created by TACC users are only accessible to the TACC user who created them but directories created by the TACC-authorized manager can be made accessible to any authorized TACC user.
- TACC storage is considered to be an archive and files should not be unloaded, however, files may be removed by the TACC user who uploaded them.
General Recommendations for Naming Files in the Arctos Project Allocation at TACC
- Follow standard file naming practices in Arctos Media: Media URI Documentation. Specifically, name files using ony A-Z, a-z, 0-9, and _
- The Arctos Project Allocation at TACC shared by all Arctos collections.
- Creating folders in The Arctos Project Allocation at TACC should be carefully considered.
- Files stored in the Arctos Project Allocation at TACC are publicly accessible through their created URLs immediately upon upload and can only be removed by those with appropriate acces to the folder in which they are stored.
- Files stored in the Arctos Project Allocation at TACC should be considered to be archived in perpetuity. The intent of this service is to provide “forever-resources” and changing that is a pretty big deal!
- Carefully consider all uploads to this shared resource. Misuse or overuse may result in additional financial contributions.
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