Documentation of how to use and operate Arctos is constantly evolving. This form has been deprecated. For info on how to create and edit documentation, please search on the following file: How-to-Contribute-Content-to-Arctos-Handbook.markdown (
There are four levels of documentation:
- Procedures, i.e., how-to documents.
- Descriptions of concepts and extended definitions of what data fields are intended to describe. This documentation is organized here in pages, either by conceptual nodes of closely related tables, or by the names of tables.
- Short definitions of what data fields are intended to describe. These can be called as pop-ups from field names within the forms that comprise Arctos’s applications. The pop-ups generally contain a link to the extended definitions. These definitions are controlled at
- Definitions describing the values that can be inserted into vocabulary-controlled data fields. These are stored in the code tables in the database which are the sources for drop downs.
If you are writing documentation for categories 1 and 2 (above), see the handy How-to page.
We are in the process of centralizing all documentation here, but also check Arctos Help and Arctos Procedures if you can’t find what you’re looking for.
This information is primarily intended for curatorial users of collections with data in Arctos, but may also be useful for casual Arctos users. Additional tutorials are being developed for a more general community of Arctos users.
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