This file has been deprecated. See instead: How-to-Contribute-Content-to-Arctos-Handbook (

There are two kinds of content on the Arctos wiki site:

Arctos Documentation and “How-to Guides” can be created or edited by anyone who is a member of the ArctosDB “Users” team (see “How to Use GitHub for Arctos”). That team has “write” access to the ArctosDB/documentation-wiki repository in GitHub. Anyone can view the content, but you need to be added to the “Users” team by an ArctosDB administrator in order to make changes.

Curators/Collection Managers who want the ability to create or edit Documentation and “How-to Guides” should contact and in order to be added to the “Users” team. We encourage Curators/Collection Managers to engage students in writing “How-to Guides.” However, students will not be able to post them to the wiki site; instead, they will need to submit the content to a member of the ArctosDB “Users” team (e.g., their supervisor) who can then post the content.

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If you see something that needs to be edited in this document, you can create an issue using the link under the search widget at the top left side of this page, or you can edit directly here.