
Addresses are ways to locate or contact Agents. There are both physical addresses and electronic addresses, and various types of each of these. Electronic addresses include phone numbers, e-mail addresses, and web pages. As well as being informational, addresses are used extensively in transactions such as loans, permits, and accessions. Any one Agent may have any number of addresses of any type.

Addresses used in shipments are automatically maintained. Changes are pushed to a new address, and every attempt to change* a shipping address will result in the creation of a new address. Used addresses are noted with a red border on the Edit Agent form. This is in order to retain them against the possibility that a missing item was actually shipped to the incorrect address, and thereby facilitate any attempt to trace the shipment. Used addresses may not be deleted. Email addresses of Operators are used extensively by various reports or notifications. Please ensure that all operators have a valid email address. Note: “Changes” do not include the addition or removal of linebreak (chr(10) and chr(13)) characters, spaces, or commas.

Address Type

Address . Address_Type VARCHAR2(255) not null

Address Type indicates the purpose of an address. Values are controlled by a code table. Format of an address may be constrained by the type chosen.


Address . Address VARCHAR2(4000) not null

The address string. Control (e.g., linefeed) characters are allowed in mailing addresses, which will display in a textarea on the edit agent form. Other address types use HTML5 datatype controls. Mailing or shipping addresses should be of the format:

Agent Name, Job Title
Full Mailing Address
Street, State, etc. as required
Zip Code or Equivalent, Country Code

Do not abbreviate except according to postal guidelines. Make no assumptions – “local” mailing addresses may be used for returning foreign shipments, and should therefore include country code. Phone numbers should include country and area codes, URIs should include protocol (http://), etc.


Address . Address_Remark VARCHAR2(4000) null

Address Remark should be used for any necessary explanation of the address. Examples might include:

Valid Flag

Address . Valid_Addr_Fg NUMBER not null

A flag indicating whether or not the address is still valid. Invalid (old, or corrected) addresses are maintained against the possibility that they might be needed to resolve a lost shipment. Please invalidate any addresses as necessary.

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